Originally Posted by Marty Rogers
Lastly, don't do it up too big and loud when a little guy strikes out. He may just cry before your eyes.
good point, tailor your style to the level of ball you're doing. When i'm doing my local rec league with elementary age kids, I don't even bother with fancy strike three calls. called strikes one or two, I just use a simple hammer chest level and loud enough so the coaches can hear it, no need for the guy 500 yards away to hear it. Called strike three, a moderately loud "strike three" call and I bring up the hammer more to head level and the batter walks away, and we play on.
when i started with them, I did some pretty loud calls but when I started to tone it down, my evaluations from the coaches (who run the league also) became better, and I got more calls to work their games.
the thing is to show that you're in charge without drawing unnecessary attention to yourself.