Originally Posted by DG
I am familiar with the FED interp that says it is RLV if F2 throws the ball over F3's head, but not familiar with others that say other non-quality throws are the same. So if BR is running in fair territory left of the running lane on a dropped 3rd strike that gets away from the catcher to his right and he plugs the runner 15' from the base with F3 having no chance at a play, FED wants this called RLV? I need to see a case play or interp cited on that, or similar non-quality throws that do not involve throwing over F3's head because BR is in direct line between F2 and F3, and out of running lane.
I honestly don't believe that is the correct interpretation under FED rules.
The FED rule is the same as the OBR rule with one MAJOR exception. Under OBR, the defense is only "protected" for the attempt to catch a throw at 1st base. If the defense fails to make a quality throw, even if the BR is illegally in the "throwing lane", it is simply "E2" (or whatever) and the defense is afforded no protection.
Under FED, the fielder receiving the throw at 1B is similarly protected, but the fielder making the throw is ALSO protected if the BR is in his throwing lane and illegally outside his running lane.
If both conditions are met, AND the throwing fielder throws errantly, the BR is guilty of running lane interference.
If the BR is out of the lane but NOT in the fielder's throwing lane, it's tough noogies for the defense.
I believe that is what the FED rule says.