Thread: Why no help?
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Old Thu Jan 09, 2003, 11:26am
Pirate Pirate is offline
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Join Date: Dec 1999
Posts: 94
I am a bit surprised that no one has mentioned the dreaded "liability" word yet in this post. Although there is no precedent that I am aware of concerning an official working solo, I can only imagine that it is a matter of time before some parent (who sees their kid injured in a game with an official working solo) sues a solo-working official. Of course, some attorney will note that the official or his/her association was negligent in not providing the required number of officials for the contest in question, thus leading or contributing to the injury. Which begs another question. Are there any associations out there that are refusing to work one-man mechanics for liability reasons? And if not, are there any lawyers out there that can elaborate on this issue?
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