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Old Mon Apr 19, 2010, 11:09am
Rufus Rufus is offline
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Thanks for the replies so far.

Ozzy - sorry I didn't make it clear but I'm a coach not an umpire. Believe me, we saw the ball come onto the field and would have yelled "Time" if we thought it would have helped! That was ball #2 of about 6 that ended up on our field that night.

Also, agree that the tag meant nothing. Just thought it was a strange/interesting turn of events (A+ for the 2B having enough perception to see the ball and catch it, F- for situational awareness!).

As the post-script, the umpires on the scene agreed with Bob. Their decision was that the BR would have reached 2B regardless of the loose ball appearing on the field. The next batter got plunked anyway so it most certainly didn't impact the game and we didn't make a stink about it either.

The only thing we thought was that since the ball appeared on the field before he had reached 2B was that he should have gone back to the last base reached. By the responses it appears that common sense may prevail in cases like this.
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