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Old Mon Apr 19, 2010, 06:16am
grunewar grunewar is offline
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2009-2010 Points of Emphasis....

A good question Coach and one that some officials, including myself, struggle with and try to improve upon.

From this year's POE's from the federation:

1. TRAVELING. The traveling rule has not changed; however, the committee is still concerned that the rule is not being properly enforced. Consequently, offensive players are gaining a tremendous advantage. Areas of specific concern are: the spin move, the step-through move, the jump stop, perimeter shooters taking an extra “hop” prior to releasing the try and ball handlers lifting the pivot foot prior to releasing the ball on the dribble. The key to determining the legality of those moves is to first find the pivot foot. Then, if the player moves a foot or the feet in any direction in excess of prescribed limits, a traveling violation has occurred. Officials must know the rule, find the pivot foot and improve call accuracy; coaches must demand that players execute this skill properly, especially in practice; players must continue to develop this basic skill and practice performing legal moves.

Guidelines for Teaching and Officiating
A. Determine the pivot foot immediately.
B. At the start of the dribble, the ball must be released before the pivot foot is lifted.
C. After the dribble has ended, the player may lift pivot foot, but must release the ball on a pass or shot before the pivot foot returns to floor.
D. A player may never take two steps while in possession of the ball.

We have discussed this quite extensively here as we all try to improve.....

Hope this helps.
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