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Old Thu Apr 15, 2010, 06:36am
mbyron mbyron is offline
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Originally Posted by dash_riprock View Post
I have INT on this play for one reason - the ODH was in front of the plate when he was hit by the ball - right where you would expect a true throw from F3.
As JM correctly points out, this is a judgment call all the way. Naturally, the defensive coach who brought us the case thinks that the ODH was directly in front of the plate and in the throwing lane. The calling umpire did not see it that way.

Before we throw our unnamed colleague under the bus, let's just agree:
1. that JM has posted the correct rule, and
2. that such "celebrations" are common and legal, and
3. that it's more likely that in the OP there was a bad throw than that the offense was secretly conspiring to maneuver their chest-bump into the throwing lane.

If the PU judges that it was a conspiracy, then by all means call the INT.
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