Originally Posted by zm1283
This is true. NFL games in person can be very boring at times. Commercials after every punt, every change of possession, etc. I took my wife to her first NFL game a couple of years ago and she said "It's fun but they really stand around a lot".
When I was in the military (1980s), my buds and I crossed the channel from Germany and went to the first NFL game in Wembley Stadium - Cardinals vs Vikings. We had a blast.
We sat with a bunch of Brits who agreed (my recollection) to keep us in beer as long as we explained the game to them as it went along! How great is that.
Opening kickoff. Tackle. TWEET! One guy turns to me and says, "Where are they all going?"
I said, "What?"
He said, "The players, they're leaving the field. Where are they going?"
I said, "Oh. Those were the kickoff teams. Now, the offense and defense are coming on the field."
He said, "Oh, ok, in Rugby we just keep going. I don't see the point....."
It was great fun, best I can recall......
Yep, there is a lot of downtime in all sports - especially tv games.