Wed Jan 08, 2003, 01:55pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Aug 2002
Posts: 152
Originally posted by A Pennsylvania Coach
Originally posted by rockyroad
Coach - you know what your motivation was, and if you say the t.o. was a "jerk" move, then I believe you...I also believe you when you say you won't do it again...as far as the official staring down your player - had there been some interaction between the two of them before? Do you know this official or have you had this official before? I guess I am just wondering what would make an official do something like that...it seems strange that he would do it for no reason, but who knows...the fact that he had no response to your staring down question, but quickly changed the topic to you not playing by the rules causes me to think that he was out of line and knew it...good learning experience for the player - what did you tell her and the team afterwards??
[Edited by rockyroad on Jan 8th, 2003 at 12:13 PM]
Yes, we've had this official before. We have a 24-team league, so there are 12 games on league night and I'll bet there are around 30-40 varsity girls' officials so we get the same officials between 1-4 times each each year.
There is a perception around our league, that I buy into to some degree, about one county versus another. Of our 24 teams, there are 18 from one county and 6 from the other. You almost always get officials from the county of the home school (it's all one association, but I'm sure they sometimes assign officials to games based on proximity to home), and the perception is that Lebanon County officials want to see Lebanon County teams win (and prove that the bball is better there), and same with Lancaster County. Sounds ridiculous I know. And I'm sure if it does take place it is minimal. But the coaches all talk about it. So when I get a Lebanon County guy in a Lebanon County gym, and things don't go our way, it's easy to think that there is something more going on. 99% of me knows it's stupid to think that.
Just curious -- is there a sytle difference in the ways they ref in the counties? I went to HS in San Jose, and our league had half teams in San Francisco, and half teams in San Jose and the penninsult. Refs in SF allowed much more contact (creating an advantage for the SF teams that were used to it), than was usually allowed by the non-SF refs (creating a home advantage for the teams more used to the tighter calls).