Originally Posted by blueit
Rule 8-4, Art. 3a could be read differently, but I think something has to be implied that's not specifically stated there. Art. 3a does say that if "the obstructed runner is put out prior to reaching the base that would have been reached had there not been obstruction, a dead ball is called and the obstructed runner and each other runner affected by the obstruction" are awarded basis.
I've got 2 problems with the wording of Art. 3a, though. One, using the term "put out" doesn't make much sense, because the runner isn't out at all. She's safe. If the intent is to say "tagged," then the Rule should say tagged.
Two, although Art. 3a says "a dead ball is called," it does not say WHEN the dead ball is called -- whether immediately or after other playing action ends. The casebook comments DO say when, twice: "at the end of playing action."
Just read that for what it says; it's the right reference and people are telling you how to call it.
Your approach would get messy as she could be put out in other ways. She could avoid a tag or be forced out.
Most delayed dead balls (all?) have you rule what happens without a penalty and then call a dead ball and enforce the penalty. CO but the ball is hit and the runner is out at first. BU calls out. PU calls dead ball and makes an award. IP same thing.
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