Originally posted by williebfree
I would say it becomes your judgement, as the administrating official, as to whether you want to call this a violation. IMO, it is based on the level of play you are working.
The only thing that the official needs to judge is whether or not the player in the marked lane-space entered or left that space before or after the free thrower caught the ball. If the movement is before the catch, by rule, this is NOT a violation. Check out 4-4-7b and 8.1.1A as both confirm that the ball is placed at the disposal of the free thrower and becomes live when it is caught. Since the restrictions for players on the lane start "[a]fter the ball is placed at the disposal of a free thrower," there is no violation if a player leaves as the ball is bounced to the free thrower.
If you wish to "reload" fine. Personally, I do not since the play was legal.