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Old Thu Mar 25, 2010, 07:26pm
BillyMac BillyMac is offline
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Two Out Of Three ...

Originally Posted by Gargil View Post
This is why Wisconsin has trouble accepting 3 man crews.
It's worse here in The Constitution State. 95% of our regular season games are two person. All of our league and conference championship tournaments are two person. Early rounds in the state tournament are two person games. It's not until the state quarterfinals that three person crews are used. There's a lot of pointing going on in these quarterfinals as the guys try to help each other out. I saw a switch this year, with just a common foul, and no change of possession, where the trail moved all the way to the endline, kept on circling around, and ended up as the new trail, only on the other side of the court from where he started.

It's going to be worse next year. For several years we've worked a scholarship holiday tournament, at several sites, for free, with three person crews. Next year the officials will get paid, and our board will make a large donation to the scholarship fund. With home teams at several sites paying for officials, do you think that they're going to want three person crews?
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