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Old Thu Mar 25, 2010, 01:38pm
scarolinablue scarolinablue is offline
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Originally Posted by jicecone View Post
Luckily, you didn't have to toss the HC because you were'nt sure you knew what your talking about.

At times like this , I tend to make a mental note of the situation and as soon as I get back to the car look it up in my books.

Fool me once, shame on me. Fool me twice , shame on them.

But the good point here is that you learned two things:

1.The correct ruling.
2.How not to handle a situation like this.
I did try to look it up that night (this was Tuesday night), and couldn't find anything specifically illegal, so I started to realize I was wrong. Honestly, I'd never encountered this in now my 8th year of HS ball, and it just didn't look right to me. Now I know better, and I'm glad I didn't grab an out or worse in the sitch. I'll likely say something to the coach the next time as well, as he's one of the good ones. I just came here for some assistance in my search. I'm glad some choose to help, and others choose to "help" but can't help themselves.

I still haven't located a specific interp - or is this just one of those cases where if it's not in the book, then it's not illegal? If you have the reference, please share. Thanks. I accept that I (almost) blew this one big time.
Never argue with idiots...they drag you down to their level, then beat you with experience.

Last edited by scarolinablue; Thu Mar 25, 2010 at 02:08pm.
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