Originally posted by bard
B game. Visitors have a different coach, but A team coach is still on the bench. First half, home team has 6 players on the court after a dead ball. We catch this before the ball is live, and we eventually get one kid off the court. I start to administer the throwin, but notice my partner is now in a discussion with Visitor A coach.
He continues on and I give my first T to a coach in my brief 2 years of experience. I didn't lose my temper, but my patience was shot. We have a brief discussion about why he got the T, and then he starts back on the darn freethrow. I give him the 2nd T and say, "That's it coach. You need to leave the gym." I did not lose my temper at any time. The coach leaves and chats with the AD awhile on his way out.
Just a coupla obsevations,Bard.Take them for what they're worth.
1)Overall,I think that you did fine.Working that many games when you are still not feeling good shows a helluva lot of dedication.The "T's" were warranted,and they cleaned up the game.
2)in the first sitch above,the coach doing the arguing wasn't the head coach in this game.He shouldn't have been allowed to say anything.You can easily stress that to the coaches before the game -i.e. "Remember,coaches,only the head coach is allowed to talk to us or call TO's!".I refuse to debate anyone other than the head coach,unless it's a real quick comment on the way by the bench.
3)After you called the first "T",never stand around and debate it with the coach at this level.Report it to the scorer and walk away.If the coach wants to follow you then and yap at you,hey-he's digging his own grave.