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Old Tue Jan 07, 2003, 10:21am
mick mick is offline
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Join Date: Nov 1999
Location: Houghton, U.P., Michigan
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You did fine. The next Technical foul will be much easier to apply.
I had a similar sitch happen to me a few weeks ago.

I, Trail, probably let a Home Free-thrower break the plane to early. Why probably? I wasn't really paying attention and the shooter got the rebound and scored. ("Crap!!!")
Very verbal V Coach called a time-out and invited me to talk with him about 15 feet on the court. Okay, I probably deserved this, so I went over and listened, and listened, and listened. He didn't stop until I whacked him.

My fault (probably), but I couldn't undo it and after his charade he left me no alternative.

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