"To the guys who don't use a counter, shame on you! It's a tool for umpires that is supposed to hold them accountable for the bucks you are earning. Where would a basketball referee be if he didn't use a whistle because it was too difficult too use. Learn to use the tools of your trade."
Last time I checked my ,"idiclickercounter" (Thankyou Tim C)only had numbers on and if I remember, there were never enough for balls, strikes and outs. The IRS holds me accountable at the end of the year for the bucks I earn for each game.
I really think you are confused with the words "Perception" and "Professionalism". Because of your own inadequacies and abilty to deal with more than one thing at a time in your head, it does'nt mean others lack this talent. "Perception".
I think that an umpire looks far more the part when they are'nt always using that tool as a crutch. So focused on what is in their hand, that other things around them are flying over their heads. "Professionalism" To each his own, but to associate the money one earns for umpiring a game, with the umpires ability, is totally two different subjects.
No one has said that not using an "idiclickercounter" was easier, in fact it is just the opposite. I got so good using it, that I did'nt look at it anyway.
Where would this world be today if everyone just accepted the common tools of the trade as gospel. That Basketball Official would probably be running around the court screaming "TOOT TOOT". Thank god for those that feel it ok to be different.