Thread: Act of shooting
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Old Mon Jan 06, 2003, 01:33pm
MN 3 Sport Ref MN 3 Sport Ref is offline
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This thread is a good one in that it really stresses some important issues for me. Foremost the importance of a good pregame. IF properly discussed, that is why with the double whistle we first both come up w/ a fist. IF the play is coming to the lead he better come out and sell the block or charge. Problem avoided. Yes, the trail may have saw the opposite and not like it but I guess around here we really stress staying in primary's and calling YOUR foul there. If the lead (primary) was not sure about the call then he should have passed on it and allowed the trail to then pick it up. I am assuming (maybe incorrectly) that this occured on a dribble/drive sitch where the play was in transition from one primary to the other. However Chuck is correct about what needs to be done (FED) where you see conflicting siganls given. Hopefully though IMO w/ proper pregame this can be avoided 99.99%of the time...
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