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Old Wed Mar 10, 2010, 10:29pm
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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Originally Posted by AllPurposeGamer View Post
1. You administered the play correctly. You penalize fouls in the order they occur. Since the technical was last, and after all technical fouls the ball goes to midcourt, you inbound it there.

2. Dead ball technical fouls do not have to be flagrant. Dead ball contact will be called a technical foul only if the contact was intentional or flagrant. In your case, you had an unsportsmanlike technical foul rather than dead ball contact. A case could be made that you could of called a flagrant technical foul, but it sounds like a HTBT moment.
I agree with this post 100%. Unsporting technical fouls are for non-contact situations. I have always understood the NFHS definition of contact to be person to person, not object to person. Others have expressed a different view and consider the definition to include any contact caused. Either way, it doesn't really matter as long as you correctly decide whether the action warranted a plain ole run of the mill player technical foul or if the action was so egregious that it demands a flagrant and DQ'ing the player. This is completely up to your judgment. There is NO rule stating that such action at any time during the game must be flagrant.
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