Originally Posted by KJUmp
12.22 Missing a Base If a runner misses home plate and the fielder misses or makes no attempt to tag the runner, the umpire should make a safe signal and declare "No tag." If an appeal play is made (that is by tagging either the runner or home plate), the umpire should then make a decision on the appeal. Live Ball Appeal
A live-ball appeal is made by touching the base the runner missed or left before a fly ball was first touched or by tagging the runner who committed the violation, provided she is still on the playing field, and indicating to the umpire what is being appealed (if necessary).
2010 CCA Softball Umpires Manual:
6.1 Appeal Plays (Pg.68-70)
LIVE BALL or DEAD BALL-appeals that can be made during either a live ball or dead ball
> Missing a base
> Leaving a base on a caught fly ball before the ball is first touched
live ball appeals may be made by bringing the ball to the base missed or left too soon or by tagging the runner with the ball.....
Based on your sitch...under NCAA rules you have an out.
Thank you...
Your reference is what I was looking for.
Thanks to others for the responses.
Rich Ives was on the track as to what prompted my question.
In my particular situation, we had the out no matter what, but I was prompted to think about what (if any restrictions) there were on the live ball, missed base appeal.