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Old Tue Mar 02, 2010, 01:01pm
youngump youngump is offline
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Originally Posted by NCASAUmp View Post
Underneath 8-7-L:

I do not view this as a loophole. The rule does not say that it has to be a double play on a runner, only that it's an attempt to break up a double play. Since the BR is awarded 1B as per the quoted note above, they are now a runner, and are subject to the prescribed penalty.

For the record, I haven't been paying 100% attention to this thread. I think we're looking for a loophole that just isn't there.
This is a stretch. If we take a rule that talks about something happening to a runner who has already scored you wouldn't apply that to a runner who was awarded home since he will be a runner who has already scored once he takes the award.
It's a much shorter path to the right answer to go Steve's way in my mind. The B-R is a special kind of runner and this rule just isn't precise in who it mentions because the situation where it would need to be is so obscure.

;-) Besides if you aren't going to call him out until he's a runner, you have to award the BR 1st, watch him walk down and then call him out when he gets there which is just asking for trouble ;-)

Last edited by youngump; Mon Sep 19, 2011 at 07:15pm.
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