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Old Thu Feb 25, 2010, 07:48am
mbyron mbyron is offline
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Originally Posted by Camron Rust View Post
I'm all for pointing out the mistakes of the new visitor...and Jurrassic was completely right on the points related to what the visitor had said about the T being deserved or not. Unfortunately, he extrapolated what the visitor said to put words in his mouth about what kind of partner he'd be...totally unwarranted and unjustified. As much as JR clearly knows about officiating (he's usually right), he just can't seem to have a debate on the points without insulting someone or exaggerating their words. That is what is wrong. Treat the new guy with every bit of respect you expect for yourself...even if the other person is completely wrong.
OK. I happen to agree with JR that what people say reflects their character, and that you can learn a lot about what kind of partner someone would be by listening carefully to what they say. Not everything, but a lot.

JR's inferences seem a little too quick sometimes, but then again he's experienced a lot more partners than I have. You find his conclusions "totally unwarranted and unjustified." I disagree with that, and in any case his point might be that people need to be more aware of the connections between what they say and how they behave on the court.

When JR says "you're full of crap, and you probably throw partners under the bus," perhaps he's really making a more general point like: "People who say crap like that make terrible partners." Maybe his mode of expressing it comes off sounding personal; but the lesson behind it might be true, and so worth learning from, no?
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