November 2009 - February 2010
118 Games:
17 Men's Rec
2 Youth Rec (HS Age) Boys
3 Biddy Regional Tournament Boys (12 & under?)
17 CYO (varied age groups, both genders)
7 Travel League Division B (aka 5th Grade) Boys
4 Travel League Division B (aka 5th Grade) Girls
10 Travel League Division A (aka 6th Grade) Boys
7 Travel League Division A (aka 6th Grade) Girls
4 Junior High C (aka 7th Grade) Boys
4 Junior High C (aka 7th Grade) Girls
5 Junior High JV (aka 8th Grade) Boys
5 Junior High JV (aka 8th Grade) Girls
6 Junior High V (aka Freshman) Boys
6 Junior High V (aka Freshman) Girls
12 HS JV Boys
7 HS JV Girls
1 HS V Boys scrimmage
1 HS V Girls scrimmage
5 3-person
106 2-person
7 1-person
Total earned: $4088.00.
Highest game fee: $53.50 (HS JV)
Lowest game fee: $22.00 (Novice CYO)
Longest drive (1 way) - 40 miles (Men's Rec; after being almost literally begged by the assignor)
Shortest drive (1 way) - 10 miles (three different schools)
Number of partners: 48. I worked with one official 7 times and two others 6 times each.
15 (gulp) Technical Fouls:
Game #34 -- Coach -- 7th grade boys -- unsportsmanlike
Game #45 -- Player -- men's rec -- unsportsmanlike
Game #45 -- Player -- men's rec -- unsportsmanlike (ejection)
Game #50 -- Team -- 8th grade girls -- second delay of game
Game #55 -- Player -- JV boy -- shove
Game #55 -- Coach -- JV boys -- unsportsmanlike
Game #55 -- Player -- JV boy -- unsportsmanlike
Game #56 -- Player -- 8th grade boy -- unsportsmanlike
Game #68 -- Player -- HS boys rec -- unsportsmanlike
Game #89 -- Player -- men's rec -- unsportsmanlike
Game #89 -- Player -- men's rec -- unsportsmanlike (ejection)
Game #96 -- Player -- JV boy -- flagrant technical for shove
Game #96 -- Player -- JV boy -- flagrant technical for shove
Game #97 -- Coach -- CYO -- out of coaching box (about 15' onto the floor arguing straight through my stop sign)
Game #110 -- Player -- CYO -- unsportsmanlike (f-bomb)
This year I bought 0 shirts, 1 pairs of pants, 0 UnderArmour undershirts, a three-pack of socks, and a pair of shoes. Drove 3,220 miles including meetings.
I still have 5 games left--a pair of men's rec games that are worked three-person (a lot of the top officials in our chapter) and three in a regional tournament for Biddy Basketball. Last year teams came from up to 400 miles away! I had the Travel League Boys B division Final Four last night--that was fun!
Things turn out best for people who make the best of the way things turn out.
-- John Wooden
Last edited by A Pennsylvania Coach; Wed Feb 24, 2010 at 03:08pm.