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Old Wed Feb 24, 2010, 11:49am
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Originally Posted by KJUmp View Post
The crew for the game was:

John Cahill
Mike Stuart
Michael Stephens

I do not know who whistled the T's.
The information is out there, but I still ask why it matters. My assumptions:
1. If the guy who called the Ts is a long time official, I'll defer to his judgment and assume he had a good reason for being in the huddle. And Huggins should have known better.

2. If the guy who called the Ts is newer to the league, and a younger official, I'll defer to his judgment and assume Huggins was testing him. He passed.

Whether he needed to be in the huddle or not is not for me to judge, because I don't have all the information I would need to make that assessment.
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