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Old Tue Feb 23, 2010, 11:37am
DLH17 DLH17 is offline
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Originally Posted by Snaqwells View Post
You're taking a rule of thumb and turning it into a rule. Yeah, it's a good idea to call the T and move away, but I'm not going to the concession stand just so I can't hear the coach. And the first T is not a license to get stupid. Sometimes, the coaches just don't give you the option of doing everything the way it's recommended.
I wouldn't move away so I can't hear him either. It's a good idea to move away in an effort to alleviate the situation if at all possible, though. However, it's not foolproof. If ridiculous behavior continues on the part of the coach, the officiating crew can handle it accordingly. There are six eyes and ears on the court...subjectivity and backup by your partners makes any actions against the coach even more locktight and legit.

edit: Good point about "rule of thumb". I agree.
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