Fri Jan 03, 2003, 04:46pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Mar 2001
Posts: 426
Re: Re: Back to handchecking. . .
Originally posted by 112448
Originally posted by ChuckElias
I know that this is a guideline that is used in the pro game, but it has helped me a lot in my HS and college games. A handcheck becomes a foul, anywhere on the floor, if the ballhandler's speed, balance, or quickness are altered. If the ballhandler is slowed down by the defender, or if the shooter is turned and has to adjust his balance, or if the dribbler's first step is impeded; these are fouls.
It all still comes down to judgment, but I think the "SBQ" guideline makes it a little less individualized and gives the official something concrete to look for other than a hand on the ballhandler. Look for those 3 things and if one is affected, then blow the whistle.
Just something to think about.
Great stuff. I first heard that at a camp this summer and I can't tell you how much those three words have helped my game. BTW - You can about think speed, quickness, and balance as it pertains to all contact, not just handchecking with the ball handler. E.g., think about balance when 2 big post players are going at each other.
For the post play I look for dislodgement (same thing as balance) vs. SQB.
My two sense!