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Old Mon Feb 22, 2010, 04:33pm
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Originally Posted by representing View Post
I wanted to somehow say "hey, don't look in my area" without being rude about it, which is why I asked for constructive criticisms. I do this with a lot of new officials and tell them "take it or leave it".

When he started defending himself, I did try to drop it but he just kept going on his semi-rampage and I've tried to change the topic many times but he just wouldn't shut up. He was starting to piss me off as I obviously had.

Thanks Snaqs
The best approach is, as Rut also suggests, to simply ask him what he saw on that play. After he tells you, you can explain why you passed on it (no control, dribbling, etc.).

With a first year BB official, I'd be very hesitant to tell him anything about PCAs in this context. Sometimes it's hard enough to get them to blow the whistle at all, and if you get them thinking too much it's all over.

You're better off trying to find a positive reason to get them to look off ball rather than a reason not to watch the ball. He took your advice as "hey, stay out of my area!"

That goes triple for a "biddy" game. You're better off actually discussing the traveling play than worrying about long distance rates.
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