Originally Posted by Az.Ump
12.3.5 Home plate. The batter is awarded home plate with no liability to be put
out: When a fair batted fly ball strikes the foul pole above the fence level
or leaves the playing field in fair territory without being caught, touching
the ground or going through the fence even if the ball is deflected by a
I understand all that. My point was that the above rules assume a
properly placed foul pole. With respect to NCAA rules, the foul poles in the first post do not adhere to rule 2.11
**Edited to add: Now, let me beat myself up a little before anyone else gets the chance to. My first reading of the OP led me to believe that the coach claimed the foul poles were not just in fair territory, but in live ball territory- that is, on the inside of the fence. After reading it again, that isn't clearly the case.