Thanks for your input fellas. I felt good about the call right when I made it. He had a big lead and we were calling a good game up to that point. So I was really suprised he got so upset over this call. He is a veteran coach in the area so I think he feels he gets special treatment.(I don't know). I don't believe my partners threw me under the bus per say, they were just trying to get him over it I guess. One partner told him that I have been calling ball for quite awhile and he shouldn't argue with me anyway. I thought that was really funny. When he went to complain to the third official the coach says don't tell me he has been doing this for quite some time.
I really don't know why coaches think they have the right to talk to officials in that manner. I will let a coach get away with quite a bit if he talks to me like a human being.
Just wanted to see if I was the only one who thought this coach needed T. Thanks again and keep up the good work my felow stripes.