Originally Posted by SethPDX
How about this: I live in Oregon. Vancouver is about a 6-7 hour drive away. But every evening when NBC advertises events "live in prime time" I know that really means "live on the East Coast" and I will be watching on a 3 hour tape delay.  Not only that, they insert edited events from earlier in the day and chop them up to manufacture suspense.
The good news is the Olympics website lists results as they actually happen. As I did in 2008, I can go there instead of dealing with NBC's artificial drama. There is enough real excitement in the events themselves.
You know what's really messed with my head after moving from Pacific time to Central time? Having to adjust to the TV schedules and how late events are, such as the Super Bowl. It turns out that when they say 8 PM / 7 PM Central, they actually mean something by that. As a result, I watch less TV, which I guess is a good thing.