The lead has no business even looking at the ball in this situation. The ball is above the free-throw-line-extended, which in 2-man means the ball belongs to the trail. If the lead is looking up there and the trail is watching, who's watching the other 7 or 8 players?
The lead should be watching off ball, and the trail needs to work over onto the court. When working on the court, work deeper, even coming into the backcourt (as Bob Jenkins has already pointed out).
Many of the top officials here in WI actually give the OOB call above the free throw line extended to the trail since that line is in his/her primary. The thinking is that the lead, doing his job watching off-ball, will not see the out of bounds play. I'm still trying to get used to that one, but they aren't making things up -- this is a recommended alternate mechanic in the Referee Magazine Guidebook.