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Old Thu Jan 02, 2003, 03:59am
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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I've been reading so much about whether or not the foul occured before or after the horn and am surprised that it hasn't been made clear that during a try it doesn't matter. Tony did say something close.
Originally posted by BktBallRef
Also, was the shooter airborne? If so, it doesn't matter whether the foul occurred prior to the horn or not. An airborne shooter can be fouled, or can foul, until he returns to the floor.
Actually, any player, airborne or not, can commit a foul or be fouled after the horn, but during the time that a try is still in progress since the ball is still live. Of course, the shot must have beeen released before the horn, but any fouls that occur during this time frame should be charged and penalized according to 5-6-3b. Now if the player who is fouled is not the shooter, or if the shooter is no longer airborne, this would be a common foul and the number of team fouls would determine whether or not free throws are awarded.
By the description of the play, it seems that a try, which turned out to be unsuccessful, was in flight when the foul occured. So whether it happened before or after the horn doesn't matter. The official was correct to penalize the foul.

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