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Old Wed Jan 01, 2003, 08:14pm
Mark Dexter Mark Dexter is offline
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Originally posted by Nevadaref

Last year I realized that the scorers really don't track who is playing very well. The system should be changed. One of my fellow officials had a fight in one of his games. After things settled down, he went to the scorer's table in an attempt to find out who were the five players from each team that were in the game when the incident occured.
The scorer was unable to help. They only mark who has played, and don't keep track of when. This made the situation very difficult to sort out because people came off of both benches.
Two problems on this one - (a) the scorers are not required to keep track of who is in the game (b) the scorebook really has no place to mark who is in the game at what time.

Of course, the best scorers use a separate sheet of paper to keep track of substitutes and the like - it tends to be most helpful in situations where you have subs, no time off the clock, and one of the players who left the game then wants to sub back in.
"To win the game is great. To play the game is greater. But to love the game is the greatest of all."
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