Thread: Big day
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Old Tue Dec 31, 2002, 03:19pm
Jay R Jay R is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2001
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Some of you may remember that I asked this forum's opinion about whether I should move up ASAP or wait a while. (I am in my 2nd year) The consensus was to go for it.

Well, Thursday is the big day. I am getting a formal evaluation at a Boys Varsity game. If I pass, I will be an A official and will be permitted to ref Varsity on a regular basis (playoffs etc...) Right now, I do the odd high school game, 6 or 7 altogether.

I am confident, but not overconfident. I think I have a good chance. I imagine I will a bit more nervous than normal, so I am going to remind myself to slow down a bit when reporting fouls and hopefully look like I know what I am doing. Some fellow officials have mentionned to make sure that I stop completely before reporting a foul, to not rush my out of bounds signals etc..., to stay with my calls a bit longer, to shine my shoes. Any other suggestions?

Thanks, Jay
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