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Old Tue Dec 31, 2002, 11:15am
MN 3 Sport Ref MN 3 Sport Ref is offline
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I'm w/ Mregor on this one....

You will get many more backside rebounding calls correct and really clean up board play when as the trail taking a couple of steps down on the shot. If we do have a long rebound going the other way then buttonhook and see it from the back side. As long as you get a good angle and SEE THE WHOLE PLAY why should it matter which side of it you are on??? I have seen way too many officials miss calls on fast-breaks such as this because they were working too hard to beat the players down the court and thus effectively straight-lined themselves or did not see the play because they were running at the point of contact and missed it. If you can comfortably beat the players down court and get an angle fine, if not don't give up on the play and see it from the backside. Just be aware of other players coming down the court so as you do not get caught in the middle of the play...
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