the coach clearly knew he shouldn't get ball as he no sooner got his first words out of mouth and said B should get ball at division line. When he said that, I told him the ball was untouched and so it went back to endline.
I don't think he was so much furious at us as he was at the timer for sounding the horn improperly. I think our mechanics were pretty good. Whistle and open hand up. Look to partner - no touch signal. Said "throw-in violation" (but perhaps not loudly enough. But did tell coach the ball was untouched and he heard that ok.) Point to spot and roll ball to partner who pointed to spot and called for Team B.
I heard about the varsity officials comments from a person I know professionally and trust. When they told us at the half in dressing room that we got it wrong we disagreed and were trying to explain but they just laughed, dropped their bags and left for the stands. Glad I'm not them!!!
 When I want your opinion - I'll give it to you!