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Old Wed Jan 27, 2010, 06:33am
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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Originally Posted by EHLNOLA View Post
1.) H1 recovers loose ball while laying on his back then sits up. I call a travel. Is this correct?

2.) H1 throws in from backcourt endline to H2 who is standing in the lane in backcourt. V1 then practically tackles H2. I call an intentional foul on V1. We shoot the 2 FT then put the ball back in play for H at the backcourt endline again. Correct?
1. No, sitting up after gaining possession while on one's back is legal per the NFHS Case Book.
2. Correct throw-in placement for resuming the game as that is the nearest OOB spot to the location of the foul.

Originally Posted by Ignats75 View Post
First year back and you are doing V? Not around here would that happen. Sitting up isn't a travel unless both feet come off the floor (which, unless the kid is Clark Kent is probable)
That is not a consideration. It is not part of the rule, never has been, and should not be used to determine traveling in this situation. The only criteria are roll over or attempt to get up or stand. That's it. Stick with them.

Originally Posted by Ignats75 View Post
second situation is that you hung your partner out to dry by engaging an AC in conversation who was only doing what he did so he could make a point.

If you are going to ignore the criticism from coaches, then you should ignore the praise too. Don't be suduced by the dark side. All coaches are lyin cheatin *******s
I agree. The coach was embarrassing your partner and you went along with it. You knew it too. The problem here is that you didn't like your partner's calls, which you referred to in your post as "a very questionable travel" and "Also very questionable."
Either walk out of the gym without saying a word to anyone and let your partner answer for his own decisions or find the intestinal fortitude to confront your partner and ask him what he saw on those plays, especially if you felt that they were in your primary coverage area. If you can't ask him why he made those calls and express your honest opinion of them to his face, then you shouldn't be posting about them on a internet forum. Unfortunately, what you participated in with the coach following the game was shameful.
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