Originally Posted by bob jenkins
If the V book keeps track, and the H book doesn't, is that allowed? Aren't the books supposed to compare everything? Do you have a reference for this?
Rule 2-11-11, is that a good enough reference for you?
If the books are supposed to compare everything then why are some table setups done where the books aren't sitting side-by-side?
According to both Rule 2-11 & "Instructions to & Duties for the scorer of basketball games", the Official Scorebook is to be keeping track of the AP.
That was the only time this year, that during a Sub-V game that I noticed that one of the scorebooks was actually keeping track of the AP. Yes, the official scorer is, by rule/regulation, to keep track of the AP. However, they were never trained to do so. Just like I was never trained to do so when I was Boys' Basketball Manager doing the JV & C-Squad Books. So in this case, blame the coaches & the AD for not following the rules.
I was just thankful that at least someone else besides me was keeping track. I've had no complaints from the officials as I've done a great job with the AP, though there have been a few mix-ups, but at least somehow the AP is being taken care of, even though not according to the rules/regulations. It wasn't until this year & reading the rules book, case book, & officials' manual that I even realized that it's the job of the official scorer to keep track of the AP.