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Old Tue Jan 26, 2010, 01:35pm
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Rich Rich is offline
Get away from me, Steve.
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Originally Posted by representing View Post
Was just thinking about a game I had two years ago. Home team substitution, one player must have misheard that she was being subbed for. My partner gives the ball to opposing team for a throw-in and ball is thrown in. I see a girl running off the court and onto the bench. She didn't affect play at all, but my instinct immediately blew the whistle for too many players on the court.

I may have messed this up... I gave a T to the player that was the extra player on the court, and an indirect to the coach. Thinking about it now, I'm pretty sure I'm wrong, and was probably thinking of soccer where an extra player gets the yellow card.

Only reason why I'm thinking of this is because I just got assigned a Girls JV at the school where this happened, and that team doesn't welcome me back in their gym for Girls JV anymore. I'm kind of secretively being assigned because if the school finds out, they'll call the assignor and try everything to get me off of that game.

What is the proper procedure for this? It's a T to the team, but nothing for coach and player right?
The proper procedure would've been to have your hand up until the sixth player went off the court and for your partner to be looking to see if his partner was ready.

Failing that, it's merely a team technical foul.

Personally, I hope every single JV program in the area has blackballed me from working their games. Of course, if a tree falls in the forest.....
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