Mon Jan 25, 2010, 05:54am
9/11 - Never Forget
Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: Northern Virginia
Posts: 5,642
Originally Posted by KJUmp
Boys rec league. A1 fouls B1 (non-shooting foul). This is team A's 7th team foul. As I report foul to table, and indicate to table that it's a 1&1, I hear a whistle, P has called a T on A1. P moves toward table to report T, as I'm moving back toward F/T lane, A2 makes a wisea** remark about the T as he's pulling his jersey up over his face. Whack. I tee-up A2. I report T to table, P and I huddle to review in what order we're shooting each foul and how many shots we have....when A's HC steps out on the floor to to tell us what he thinks of us...Whack.
This kinda story sounds to me like you've been hanging around with Padgett too long!
There was the person who sent ten puns to friends, with the hope that at least one of the puns would make them laugh. No pun in ten did.