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Old Mon Jan 25, 2010, 12:57am
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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Originally Posted by KJUmp View Post
Boys rec league. A1 fouls B1 (non-shooting foul). This is team A's 7th team foul. As I report foul to table, and indicate to table that it's a 1&1, I hear a whistle, P has called a T on A1. P moves toward table to report T, as I'm moving back toward F/T lane, A2 makes a wisea** remark about the T as he's pulling his jersey up over his face. Whack. I tee-up A2. I report T to table, P and I huddle to review in what order we're shooting each foul and how many shots we have....when A's HC steps out on the floor to to tell us what he thinks of us...Whack.
So the "dust settles" and now we have:
1) 10 team fouls on team A
Team B will shoot:
2) The non-shooting PF on A1(team's 7th)>>>What started as a 1&1 now
becomes a 2 shot foul as A
has reached 10 team fouls?

3) 3 techs= 6 shots
4) Division line throw-in opposite table for B after the completion of the 8 foul shots.

Am I correct about #2?
I could not find this specific sitch in book.
I mean it made sense to me at the time. A's HC asked about it, calmly, as he already had one T, and I answered his question without any hesitation and he accepted the answer. P was inexperienced (college student who just works rec games), so I couldn't bounce this off of him.
Did I screw anything up here in administrating all this?
KJ, please understand that bonus FTs are awarded ONLY for common fouls. Other types of fouls (intentional, flagrant, technical, double, etc.) carry their own specific penalties. For NFHS you always administer the fouls in the order in which they occurred. So if the 7th team foul is a common foul, then the offended party (or required replacement) will receive the 1&1 no matter what else happens after that point.
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