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Old Sun Dec 29, 2002, 09:31am
Derock1986 Derock1986 is offline
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Nov 2002
Posts: 156
Originally posted by James Neil
Originally posted by Derock1986
The answer should be 2nd and 7 at the 23. Clock starts on the snap.

On a fumble by A, the ball is spotted where it was last possessed if the ball is not recovered by A or B.

Before anyone asks, I'm not quoting this from any rule book but if someone looks it up, I'm sure you will find it (NFHS).

If I'm wrong, please correct me (as I know you all will).

Derock, this post is in all sincerity and I mean you no harm or disrespect. I’m apologizing for all the negative comments and my unprofessional demeanor. But brother I’m asking you to please give us a break
I registered at this site in Sept of 2000. Its format and moderation has made it one of my favorites. Of all the ones I regularly post at this one has maintained the best decorum of the lot... I’ve not run across anything like your postings here or any other board for that matter since I started doing this. Every official I’ve seen post here the last two and a half years has shown all the integrity and professionalism expected from men and women pursuing this avocation. There are some of the most experienced and knowledgeable officials in this country posting at this site. This can’t be said about some other officials and fans posting at other boards. I come to this forum to study and learn how to officiate using NFHS rules. Many others do too. Then there are some who are interested in learning both NFHS and NCAA rules. Occationaly we even get someone asking about NFL rules or a fan asking for clarification about something they've seen on a Friday, Saturday or Sunday ball game. I'm wondering why you come here. What is it you're trying to contribute to this board? You tell us you read your book every year before the season starts then refer to it during the season when necessary . Are you reading the same one you got when you first started 7 years ago, or do you get one from your association ever year just like all the rest of us do? How and when do the officials in your association take their annual NFHS test? Do you take the NFHS test open or closed book? And what’s the lowest score Maryland will accept for certification? You must know this as you've told us you could have worked HS ball if you'd wanted too. If you were posting to every thread at this board for learning purposes or if you even had a post where you were asking about something you’re not sure of and need clarification I’d commend your enthusiasm. But you’re shooting from the hip and giving fanatic rulings aren’t helping you or anyone here one bit.
Derock , My daddy used to tell me it’s better to keep your mouth shut and have people think you a fool , then to open it and remove all doubt . Take some time and just read the posts. Then ask some questions. Stop trying to teach. You’ll build credibility a lot faster that way. Some integrity might follow. And then I stop getting all wound up and go back to my happy place 8^)

Mr Neil,
I didn't know this forum was reserved for those who wish to teach others the rules. It is my understanding of forums to be places where all can come and share open free communication on items of shared interest. I didn't come here to teach nor be taught. You probably can learn a few things here but I certainly would not take any posts from a forum as factual information without verifying it through a more credible source.

I initially sought out this forum because I had a situation occur in a game and I wasn't certain on the correct ruling. Not being able to find my rule book, I thought I could find my answer online. Before posting in this forum, I thought I had a thorough understanding of the rules. I shared my experiences here with the guys on my crew and they all laughed after finding out that I am considered the least knowledgeable and most controversial of all the officials who post here.

Honestly, I still do believe I have a thorough understanding of the rules but the forum has convinced me that I need to study more. The reason why I need to study is apparent from my posts--to build creditibility and respect amongst other officials. I maintain that I know enough about the rules to officiate in any game under NFHS rules but being respected by ones peers is also important.

Every year the officials in my association receive a current year NFHS rule book. We have a preseason conference to discuss NFHS rules, training camp for new officials, county rule differences, and other things. We even had a well-known NFL official (R) at our conference this past year. The state of Maryland does not require you to be certified as an official for youth but our association does issue a 100 question, open-book test.

I tried to answer all of your questions but if I didn't I apologize. I will attempt to answer all questions directed towards me but I will also continue to post freely in this forum my views, comments, opinions and experiences as a youth official under NFHS rules.
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