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Old Tue Jan 19, 2010, 11:23pm
KJUmp KJUmp is offline
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Posts: 937
Thanks for sharing that. As a newbie working HSJV (with my first game w/ the states top team next week) I learned a heck of a lot from both your post and the replies.
I can tell from the tone of your post, you're learning from this, filing it away and moving on. That's the important thing.
Of the many things I've learned from the vets here relative to coach's working us is, if it's not a question don't respond. If it is a question, a quick answer at the appropriate time in the game is all that's needed. The less said the better. If they're getting out of line Warn then Whack...or just Whack if it's really bad. And that in most cases taking care of it early is the most effective. Not being critical of the way you handled it BTW; what I'm trying to say is I think/hope I've got the handle on that aspect of game management.
Now as far as the whole V team free throw/technical foul sitch....there's my fear. Crap hits the fan fast and furious in a big game and (like you) I lose track of what's going on, my mind freezes up as to how to properly apply the rules to enforce the penalties I/we just dished out, etc. Ugh! Everything gets ugly in a hurry. Again, you and your P did fine, you got through it, got done, and got out.
What I learned from this part of your sitch:

1) Get the teams to the benches while you and P sort it out. (Thnx RichMSN)

2) The clock is stopped...don't rush, take your time. (Thanx Ref99)

3) Go through things slowly and in order with your P, who shoots how many where, in what order, AND how, where, and by whom is the ball getting put back into play....properly.

3a)Continue to study the proper application of A/P and POI throw-ins.

4) Utilize the official scorer to not only get everything down, but to help (if possible) on something like..."did we shoot any of the FT's yet."

5) Reread rule book&case book sections regarding sitch's where 2 opposing players "start going at it"...proper foul to call and penalty that's attached to it.

Thanks again for sharing it all. Hope your triple header went well.
PS: I learned about not chasing the ball here last year from these guys.
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