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Old Fri Dec 27, 2002, 04:16pm
JMN JMN is offline
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Dec 2002
Posts: 296
Thumbs down I disagree

Mr. Derock,


You wrote ..."having "game sense" is knowing when to abandon the rules". Please tell me that you exaggerated your point.

As officials, I don't believe we should ever "abandon the rules", otherwise why are we needed? Aren't we hired to make sure that we control the game and enforce the rules?

We should certainly be judicious in our use of the rules and may CHOOSE not to call a foul if it's immaterial to the play and doesn't constitute a safety issue, but to abandon the rules under a game sense "feel" for the game is not only irresponsible, but absolutely contrary to my understanding of what an official is all about.

I welcome your comment to clarify your point, but if instead you choose to waste this board to justify your position to "abandon the rules", forget about it. There is no way that you will convince me that there is ever a time when it's OK to abandon the rules. Game sense - YES, anarchy - NO
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