Originally Posted by umpref
Well, I cannot comment about what works in Midvale. I DO however have a rather extensive background with arguing, both the way you see it done in this video, and the way I do it now. I can say with complete certainty that the way I do it now SETTLES DOWN the confrontation and avoids ejections. The way I used to handle it (like in the video) led to a lot of crapstorms (just like in the video).
I could care less if he handled it the way they are taught. They way they are taught doesn't seem to work so well eh?
Some people, like one of this guy's defenders, seem to require experience under specific conditions and circumstances to gain any value from the experience.
Others, like you and me, require only life's general experiences to shape our approach to people in any situation---especially a tense one.
And we're not just high school umpires, nor do we call on only our umpiring skills and experience to manage people in tense situations. That's why we are successful in managing people on whatever level we work, and at whatever capacity in life.