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Old Thu Jan 14, 2010, 08:57pm
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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Originally Posted by Clark Kent View Post
yup my arms went up and started to waive off the shot when I realized we had a double, so I dropped them and looked at my partner who dropped his arm and nodded at me to take it. So I went PC.

At halftime we chatted about it and I asked him what he had and he said he had a block because he thought the player got there late. It made me question the play in my head more.

We did much better the second half with very few if any double whistles.
It seems that the consensus is that this was a PC which is what you called in the end. So you did well there.
I would advise you to sharpen up your mechanics. When calling a foul we need to blow the whistle and put a fist in the air. That is exactly what your partner did on this play, but you skipped the fist and went straight to a two-handed wave off of the shot. You need to break that habit immediately.

Also get in the practice of only waving off a shot if it actually goes in and you aren't going to count it, otherwise there is no reason to do so.

So I would say that you did better on the judgment side, but that your partner did better with mechanics.
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