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Old Wed Jan 13, 2010, 10:33pm
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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Originally Posted by slow whistle View Post
What if you have a situation similar to OP, but to add a twist...assume A1 has ball for throw-in on endline following made basket by B with Team A up by a point and one second left (assume we are coming back from a time out so the clock is stopped). A1 throws a long pass towards A's frontcourt and A2 who had broken towards frontcourt then breaks hard for backcourt so that the pass is sailing towards nobody. While the pass is in the air heading out of bounds the horn goes off. Then what? In OP had the horn not gone off someone on team A likely touches the ball and the game is over, so fine you give A the ball back and they try again with a second on the clock, however, in this situation it is likely nobody would have touched it and the ball would have gone to Team B for throw-in right under their basket with a second left....the answer has to be the same as with the OP, but in this case the timer just gave team A quite a gift which sucks.
Yes, Team B should have played better prior to that moment and not put themselves in that position.
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