Thread: JUCO misery
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Old Wed Jan 13, 2010, 12:46pm
fullor30 fullor30 is offline
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Originally Posted by chartrusepengui View Post
Boys JUCO. Close game - 1-2 point differential all night. Good game overall.

But - working with two others I did not know at all. Called by AD at noon to do game that night. I learned in pregame that the crew I had been assigned to had only done 2 person womens games and this was their first 3 person. I was told that I was going to be U2. Ok..... Do I need to say more!
Positioning, switching etc were, AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

Early in game Team A HC gets T after being out of box and getting a little personal with partner over a call. No more problems after the T. Late in 4th qtr team B requests and is granted TO. After the warning horn #3 checks in at table and is not waved onto court. Players return to court. Lead counts players and administers ball for inbound pass.

Team A has ball deflected and there is a scramble. A2 gets ball sitting in paint. At this point Coach Team B runs onto court by trail trying to get his attention and yelling that A had 6 players on court. Trail hits whistle! HC team B is demanding that Team A's coach be given a Class A -T and be DQ'd. However, the intitial whistle was from trail for him being on court screaming without being beckoned. Wow - now he is just a little upset.

Crew gets together and confer. Yes, upon counting, team A did suddenly have 6 on the court. Sometime after partner counted and gave ball to A1 for throw-in and the scramble for deflected pass, #3 entered the court on his own. Table and team A HC confirm. So ........ HC team A was given a class B - T for #3 entering court w/o being beckoned causing 6 players from team A to be on court. Team A #3 given class B - T for entering court without being beckoned making 6 players for team A. HC - team B given a Class B - T for entering court w/o permission. Free throws follow.

Coach team B then requests and is granted TO. Following TO - team A is given ball at POI (I really had to fight for this - as they were going to give ball to team B at division line) - in this case the endline, lane line extended as A2 was holding ball sitting in paint when whistle sounded. Now Coach team B wants his TO back - because he thought his team should be getting ball. Was told that once the TO had been granted - there is nothing in place for him to get it back even if he had not yet already used it.

Team A inbounds, misses attempt and loses by 1.

Oh yeah, table crew was 18 yr old college kids and were a nightmare all by themselves.

Got home - no fermented malt beverages in fridge.

This am - the "crew leader" called me to do another game with them. I respectfully declined - already busy that night thank heavens. My head still swimming this morning. How do you get over an evening like this and get sharp for tonights game?
Hey, I'm just across the cheddar curtain, have the shirt, and I'll provide cold beverages...........give me a jingle!
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