Boys JUCO. Close game - 1-2 point differential all night. Good game overall.
But - working with two others I did not know at all. Called by AD at noon to do game that night. I learned in pregame that the crew I had been assigned to had only done 2 person womens games and this was their first 3 person. I was told that I was going to be U2. Ok..... Do I need to say more!

Positioning, switching etc were, AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
Early in game Team A HC gets T after being out of box and getting a little personal with partner over a call. No more problems after the T. Late in 4th qtr team B requests and is granted TO. After the warning horn #3 checks in at table and is not waved onto court. Players return to court. Lead counts players and administers ball for inbound pass.
Team A has ball deflected and there is a scramble. A2 gets ball sitting in paint. At this point Coach Team B runs onto court by trail trying to get his attention and yelling that A had 6 players on court. Trail hits whistle! HC team B is demanding that Team A's coach be given a Class A -T and be DQ'd. However, the intitial whistle was from trail for him being on court screaming without being beckoned. Wow - now he is just a little upset.
Crew gets together and confer. Yes, upon counting, team A did suddenly have 6 on the court. Sometime after partner counted and gave ball to A1 for throw-in and the scramble for deflected pass, #3 entered the court on his own. Table and team A HC confirm. So ........ HC team A was given a class B - T for #3 entering court w/o being beckoned causing 6 players from team A to be on court. Team A #3 given class B - T for entering court without being beckoned making 6 players for team A. HC - team B given a Class B - T for entering court w/o permission. Free throws follow.
Coach team B then requests and is granted TO. Following TO - team A is given ball at POI (I really had to fight for this - as they were going to give ball to team B at division line) - in this case the endline, lane line extended as A2 was holding ball sitting in paint when whistle sounded. Now Coach team B wants his TO back - because he thought his team should be getting ball. Was told that once the TO had been granted - there is nothing in place for him to get it back even if he had not yet already used it.
Team A inbounds, misses attempt and loses by 1.
Oh yeah, table crew was 18 yr old college kids and were a nightmare all by themselves.
Got home - no fermented malt beverages in fridge.
This am - the "crew leader" called me to do another game with them. I respectfully declined - already busy that night thank heavens. My head still swimming this morning. How do you get over an evening like this and get sharp for tonights game?