Originally Posted by Ump153
Those refer to the new policy implemented after the Mitchel Report that REPLACED the ban that was already in effect since 1991. The new policy provided specific punishment rather than leaving it to the commissioner on a case by case basis. Never the less, steroids were already banned back in 1991.
Baseball's Steroid Era: Written Steroid EraTimeline
Jun. 7, 1991 – Commissioner Fay Vincent Issues Memo Regarding Steroid Use
After the U.S. Congress raises penalties for steroid possession, Commissioner Fay Vincent sends a memo to each team indicating that steroids would be added to Major League Baseball’s banned list. The memo stated: "The possession, sale or use of any illegal drug or controlled substance by Major League players or personnel is strictly prohibited ... This prohibition applies to all illegal drugs ... including steroids." The seven-page document didn't include a testing plan -- that had to be bargained with the union -- but it did outline treatment and penalties.
What was the penalty with the old policy? A stronger letter home to mom? Did anyone miss games?
Was there testing? And how did they determine someone was using those drugs? Lie detector testing? Media reports? Parent letters to the commissioner?
I guess the Olympics got it all wrong, they actually test for substances rather than take someone's word for it.