What is it with the scorers table guys? Ours seems to believe he's the only one capable of setting up the equipment and plugging it in. About once a season, we set it up for him just to watch him fuss and fret when he shows up 5 minutes before the tip. He'll unplug everything and then plug it back in exactly the way we did it, muttering to his self the whole time. It's obviously a control issue. I've been told that he narrates the entire game out loud quietly, so if you're sitting beside him, it's non-stop chatter. People have asked him to stop, told him it's distracting, but he'll never stop, apparently he can't. Durring our home tournament, we were playing, and while the opponent was in possession of the ball I heard a voice loudly calling out, "7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2," as the shot clock ran down. I looked over at the table and it was him! WTF?!?

First oportunity I got I walked the several steps to the table and said, "When you loudly announce the shot clock winding down, you're helping our opponent." I was later told by home book that he didn't say a word for 5 minutes or more, and when he finally spoke, it was to rant about me. Whatever, I don't care, just as long as he stops coujnting down the shot clock.
And if he can't see the official because I'm standing, well maybe he should stand up!