Originally Posted by Back In The Saddle
As I recall, however, the default 16 colors included several light and dark shade color pairs (e.g., white/gray, blue/light blue, red/magenta, etc.). And by that very colorful (pun intended) logic, I think my assertion stands. For example, any shade of blue that isn't obviously light blue, is blue.
I use the same logic for this as I do for the headband color:
I only had the box of 8 Crayola (tm) crayons in kindergarden, not the box of 64 with the fancy crayon sharpener on the side. I "assign" all the colors of the uniforms and headbands to one of those 8 colors. If all get the same "assignment" then they match.
I worry about "blue" (not sky blue, navy blue, light blue, blue-green, turquoise, et) and "black" (not silver, grey)