Second time this year that a coach and his assistant were shocked when I told them only the head coach may use the box (cf. "Jack-in-the-Box" thread). Happened again last night, with a twist...
Large school F/JV DH. As R, I go with my partners prior to the first game to introduce ourselves to the visitors' coaches. Two brothers. Twin brothers. Identical twin brothers. IDENTICAL! Even more identical than Patty Duke playing herself and her cousin.
When asked which was the head coach, the one brother identified himself as the head coach but said he and his brother the assistant coach always take turns--one stands for the first and third quarters, the other the second and fourth.

When tactfully informing them that the "Head Coach's Rule" allowing the box applies only to the head coach, they were shocked to hear of such a thing. Quote: "We've been doing that for three years and this is the first time we've ever heard such a thing!"

I responded that I considered it a privilege to be the first to explain and apply the rule, and they said okay and complied the whole game.
Though, truth be told, they could've done the jack-in-the-box switcho-chango all night long, they were so identical none of us three would ever have known. Heck, they probably did.